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Devata (deity) being taken out of at Badri Narayan Temple, village Batseri, Dist. Sangla in Himachal

Devata (deity) being taken out at Badri Narayan Temple, village Batseri, Dist. Sangla in Himachal The Devata (deity) at Badri Narayan temple, village Batseri in Sangla district of Himachal Pradesh is taken out of the temple only few times a year.  We were fortunate to be there when the deity was being taken out. Womenfolk from the village were present on this important occasion.  

Jantar Mantar, New Delhi

Jantar Mantar, New Delhi Jantar Mantar at Delhi was built by Maharaja Jai Singh of Jaipur as an observatory.  The primary purpose of the observatory was to compile astronomical tables, and to predict the times and movements of the sun, moon and planets. In recent times, Jantar Mantar has a new pehchaan, emerging as the most sought after destination for anti-establishment protests….is there something in its architecture that makes it the preferred destination for all such protests ? Not very long ago, it was the Ramlila maidan that was the preferred destination of all protesters. So what has changed ?

Kennedy Space Centre, Florida

Kennedy Space Centre, Florida When we were watching the film Apollo 13 on TV the other day, we remembered our visit to Kennedy Space Centre , Florida in 2011. It is time that we in India create a facility which will attract millions of Indians especially children to visit and see for themselves the strides in science and technology that we have achieved in recent times. I suppose the children in our country would be more interested in visiting such a facility rather than visiting grandiose memorials being built in memory of various personalities.

Window at Jaisalmer

Window at Jaisalmer This window with its deep dark complexion created quite a contrast with the light textured wall in which it was set.

End of the day at Harihareshwar sea

End of the day at Harihareshwar sea While I did not find much interesting stuff at Harihareshwar and was put off by the crowds, the walk on the beach when the day was ending was a calming experience. As the light starts to fade, the mystery of the sea starts to deepen and that is a very fascinating aspect of the twilight zone.

In deep thought at Mall Road, Shimla

In deep thought at Mall Road, Shimla Taking a stroll up and down the Mall Road at Shimla is great fun. Same is the case with many hill stations in North India and most of them have the Mall Road. It is good to see people who are not madly running to meet some deadline but are going about their lives in a leisurely and relaxed manner. This was one such moment when I noticed these fellows sitting on a bench with two of them enjoying their softy and the other two in deep thought.

Mumbai Samachar Building

Mumbai Samachar Could not have missed this unique brick red building of the well known Mumbai daily - " Mumbai Samachar " while at Horniman Circle Garden . It has a unique character and the red colour sets it apart from other heritage structures in the precinct.