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Showing posts with the label raksham

Baspa valley near Raksham

Baspa valley near Raksham I am sure that had  Robert Wise  walked this trail in the  Baspa valley  near Raksham, he would have filmed " The Sound of Music " right here. The fall was setting in and it made the entire experience even more enchanting - Jannat almost. (Raksham, 2014)

Colourful Raksham

Colourful Raksham The entire area around village Raksham is so colourful and with fall starting to set in, the colours started to get more pronounced. The walk through the village led us to some very colourful sights with each house starting to stock up grass for the winter. This particular visual had so many layers and colours in it but they all seemed so neatly arranged by who else ? (Raksham,  Sangla valley ,  Dist Kinnaur ,  Himachal , 2014)

Wooden house at Raksham

Wooden house at Raksham As we were walking around in Raksham village, noticed this fairly large traditional wooden house although the slate roof was gone and a tin one had taken its place. The incoming fall season meant that colours of the vegetation all around - on the mountain slopes as well as grass and plants around had started to change. (Raksham, Sangla Valley , 2014)