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Showing posts from February 7, 2016

Coonoor Railway Station

Coonoor Railway Station Like all pretty railway stations of Nilgiri Mountain Railway , Coonoor railway station is no exception. The heritage structure seems to be in good shape and the presence of steam locomotive workshop ensures activity throughout the day with lots of steam, smoke and sound in the air. (Coonoor, 2007) Here is my blog post on Nilgiri Mountain Railway

Wooden house at Raksham

Wooden house at Raksham As we were walking around in Raksham village, noticed this fairly large traditional wooden house although the slate roof was gone and a tin one had taken its place. The incoming fall season meant that colours of the vegetation all around - on the mountain slopes as well as grass and plants around had started to change. (Raksham, Sangla Valley , 2014)

Romance of Steam

Romance of Steam Steam, smoke and sound - together they make a heady cocktail. From my childhood, I have looked with great admiration every loco driver that came by. Steam locos have had a special place. These drivers have been my heroes. Would never miss an opportunity to chat up with this special tribe.  (Coonoor, 2007)  ‪

Tabo monastery entrance

Tabo monastery entrance The feeling is of sheer awe when you are entering a structure which was established more than a thousand years ago and is in continuous operation. Visiting ruins dating back to few thousand years is one thing but entering Tabo monastery established in 996 was a different feeling altogether. Tabo is the oldest continuously operating Buddhist monastery in both India and the Himalayas . ( Spiti , 2013)