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Showing posts with the label photographers

Little girl at Ura village festival near Bumthang, Bhutan

Little girl at Ura village festival near Bumthang, Bhutan Noticed that this little girl was watching the festivities alone, away from her friends and family. Her eyes seemed fixated. Could not fathom what she must be thinking.  I wanted to catch her gaze and yet not disturb her. 

Save Dhangkar

Save Dhangkar campaign poster at Dhangkar monastery Save Dhangkar is an initiative of concerned citizens which includes architects, photographers, geologists and others who through their collective efforts have done remarkable work in ensuring that this 1000+ year old monastery in Spiti does not wither away due to toll of the natural forces and human intervention.

Tree cover at Pune university

Tree cover at Pune university It  was wonderful to experience this feeling of being surrounded, covered, protected and comforted from all sides by so many trees with their leaves of all hues and colours and most importantly shadows of different scales of black. One of the enduring and fascinating sights has been the play of sunlight through the tree cover. This sight has never stopped fascinating me as it continues to fascinate countless photographers and painters.