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Showing posts with the label twilight

Twilight at Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville

Twilight at Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville See this blog post See my blog - My Pictures with their little stories

Twilight at a beach near Guhagar

Twilight at a beach near Guhagar Some distance from Guhagar , we spent an unforgettable hour at this beach around sundown. The colours kept changing and rapidly at that. The waves, the play of l ight, the patterns of the clouds - each of them were enjoying their play. We were transfixed there absorbing this grand spectacle. For a change, I was not keen to take pictures as I would have missed several precious moments. ( Kokan , 2013 )

Sun going down at Shoja, Himachal

Sun going down at village Shoja, Himachal The houses of village Shoja are on a mountain slope. As we were walking towards the village, the side profile of the houses with the rays of the setting sun from across the mountain created a wonderful set of visuals. Everything was changing rapidly - the intensity of the sunlight, the colours all around with the chill setting in. (2014)

End of the day at Harihareshwar sea

End of the day at Harihareshwar sea While I did not find much interesting stuff at Harihareshwar and was put off by the crowds, the walk on the beach when the day was ending was a calming experience. As the light starts to fade, the mystery of the sea starts to deepen and that is a very fascinating aspect of the twilight zone.

Twilight at a beach in Kokan, Western India

Twilight at a beach in Kokan Apart from the usual good seasons to go, we have been driving into Kokan  region just before the monsoon arrives. The good thing this does is that you see lots of clouds pass by, great colours in the sky and surely some rains at least on the return trip. Experienced this fantastic play of colours at a beach near Guhagar . Within a span of just over an hour and a half, the creator or whoever gave us a glimpse of what he is capable of. Unleashed an array of colours, a riot almost but this one was supremely divine, soothing and introspective. I did not feel like getting into the water as this might have disturbed the beautiful series of paintings that were being flipped in front of us.