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Showing posts with the label photograph for sale

White Door and Yellow Wall, Fontainhas, Goa

White Door and Yellow Wall, Fontainhas, Goa What a beauty this was. If I were to live here, I would probably spend more time looking at it from outside. Wonderful entrance to this house in the pretty quarter of Fontainhas , Goa. Although it was a hot summer afternoon, the sheer beauty of some of the structures made walking the lanes quite an involved exercise. (2014) 

Sunrise in Kumaon mountains overlooking Ramganga valley

Sunrise in Kumaon mountains overlooking Ramganga valley Each morning during our stay at Camp Shama in Kumaon was an experience which was full of delight, curiosity and a sense of fulfilment. No other meditation was required. Looking at the horizon from early morning around 5 am for the next two hours was sheer bliss. The early morning soft rays of the sun would light up the mountain tops one by one and then enter the valley to show the river hidden in the night blanket. When you start seeing the river, it is morning and time for chai. (2012)

Oil lamps in a monastery, Bhutan

Oil lamps in a monastery, Bhutan Let there be light - near us and afar - to illuminate and guide. These oil lamps in monasteries in Bhutan was a sight which was profound to say the least. Even a confirmed atheist would turn pious in these surroundings. 

Little girl at Ura village festival near Bumthang, Bhutan

Little girl at Ura village festival near Bumthang, Bhutan Noticed that this little girl was watching the festivities alone, away from her friends and family. Her eyes seemed fixated. Could not fathom what she must be thinking.  I wanted to catch her gaze and yet not disturb her.