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Showing posts from January 31, 2016

Kumaon Mountain Ranges

Kumaon Mountain Ranges The sheer number of mountain ranges you see one after another in Kumaon makes you fall in love with these mountains.  Somehow these mountain ranges appear gentle and rarely menacing. It is not uncommon to spot few structures dating back to the British Raj era. (Kumaon, 2012)

Sketching at Harvard campus

Sketching at Harvard campus Noticed this fellow sketching at  Harvard  campus while we were having an aimless stroll out there.  His hair created a distinct persona. He did not seem concerned about what was happening around him. ( Boston , 2011)

Early morning at a Boston subway station

Early morning at a Boston subway station One of the main reasons why we loved Boston was because of its excellent subway system. Any city with an efficient public transportation system makes it more inviting, friendly and less snobbish I suppose. (Boston, 2011)